■ Only the nearest spots are shown on this map. To discover all the spots use the global map.
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■ Specify and note the type of navigation possible for each of the wind directions for the spot by clicking on the button below.
No program specified.
Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /datas/yulpa172882/sites/windsurf-sessions.eg2.fr/subdomains/www/html/mws_new/detail_spot.php on line 421
Highest speed
32.70 nds
Greatest distance
150.00 km
Best avg. speed on 1h
18.52 nds
Best speed on 10s
30.24 nds
Best speed on 500m
29.45 nds
Alpha 500
29.12 nds
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■ List of riders who have sailed on the spot during the last 12 months.
■ Weather forecast from Openweathermap.org. The forecasts, unless otherwise indicated, are given for the morning (9h) and the afternoon (15h).